
Terms of use

Leger Opinion (LEO) is an entity used by Leger Marketing Inc., and acts under the name and responsibility of Leger Marketing Inc. 


By becoming a member of LEO, you agree to abide by these rules. If you decide not to accept these rules, you must immediately leave the LEO website or the app and cease participation in LEO. 

We reserve the right to change or amend these rules or any part of these rules at any time, to discontinue your membership, or to terminate the reward program without notice. LEO does not guarantee that the survey program will remain operational, and assumes no responsibility for any loss you may suffer. By continuing to use the LEO website and app, you agree to any changes, and continue to agree to abide by the amended rules. 

These rules are governed by all applicable Canadian federal laws, and members agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of Quebec with regard to any dispute arising from these Terms of Use. 

These rules and the LEO Privacy Policy constitute the entire agreement between you and LEO and supersede all prior statements, contracts, agreements and understandings between LEO and you. 

You acknowledge and agree that your membership in LEO is subject to and conditional on the following: 

Failure to comply with these rules constitutes good cause to immediately terminate your membership in LEO, without prior notice, and at the sole discretion of LEO. Termination of your membership will result in the cancellation of all accrued rewards as well as all rights of access and use granted to members. In addition, members whose accounts have been closed are no longer permitted to access the LEO website or the app in any way, or for any reason whatsoever. 



To participate in LEO surveys, you must first register as a “Member” on the LEO panel by providing us with accurate, complete and up-to-date information.   

Each panel member is limited to one profile and one personal account. The creation of several accounts will result in their immediate closure and the loss of accrued LEO points and Aeroplan points. 

Only legal residents of Canada or the United States may become members of LEO. 

Employees of Leger Marketing Inc. and its parent companies, subsidiaries, affiliates and suppliers connected in any way to the activities of LEO, together with their family members, as well as persons residing with them, are not eligible to participate. 

Members are not permitted to transfer or assign their membership with LEO, the LEO points and Aeroplan points they have accrued, their privileges, or their access to the website and mobile app. They must not permit any other person to use it. 

In exchange for access to LEO, as a member, you agree to the following: 

  • To keep all your membership information up to date at all times through certain profiling surveys and in the profile section of the LEO website and app; 

  • Not to activate or use more than one member profile account; 

  • Not to use a name subject to rights of another person; 

  • Not to use a false or misleading name, mailing address or email address to activate and use a member account;  

  • Not to submit or provide false or misleading information to any entity participating in the program; and 

  • Not to use one LEO account for more than one person or an entity. 


Only people aged 16 or over can join. To become a LEO member, you must be at least 16 years old. By registering, you confirm that you meet this age requirement.


If you provide incorrect, inaccurate, outdated or incomplete information, or if we have reasonable grounds to suspect that such information is incorrect, inaccurate, outdated or incomplete, we may suspend or rescind your access for the use of or participation in LEO. 


Text messages (SMS)

LEO will send one-time passwords by SMS when you activate your account and when you redeem a reward.  

You can cancel the SMS service at any time. Just text "STOP" to the short code. After you send the SMS message "STOP" to us, we will send you an SMS message to confirm that you have been unsubscribed. After this, you will no longer receive SMS messages from us. If you want to join again, just sign up as you did the first time, and we will start sending SMS messages to you again.

If you decide to cancel the SMS service, you will no longer be able to redeem rewards.

If you are experiencing issues with the messaging program, you can reply with the keyword HELP for more assistance, or you can get help directly at or 1-833-375-3007. 

Carriers are not liable for delayed or undelivered messages. 

Message and data rates may apply. If you have any questions about your text plan or data plan, it is best to contact your wireless provider. 

If you have any questions regarding privacy, please read our  Privacy Policy.


Changing your phone number

To ensure the security and confidentiality of our members, we have implemented a few simple rules. LEO panel members can change their phone number once per year. This measure is designed to protect your personal information and prevent any attempts at fraud.

Additionally, after changing your phone number, a 30-day period is required before you can submit a new claim. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in maintaining the reliability of our community.

To redeem your accumulated points for rewards, it is important to provide a valid phone number in Canada or the United States, which will be verified by our LEO team. The use of temporary or disposable phone numbers is strictly prohibited.


Phone number sharing

Each member must use a unique phone number to register. Phone numbers shared or used by multiple members are not permitted. Any attempt to register with a telephone number already associated with another account will result in refusal of registration or suspension of the account concerned.



Your participation is entirely voluntary, and you are not required to participate in every survey we conduct.

LEO uses an industry standard model to calculate the rewards offered for completing its surveys. Payment depends on several factors, including the time required to complete the survey, the number and nature of questions you must answer within the scope of the survey, and the unique characteristics that members are required to have to be eligible to take part in the survey.

LEO appreciates your time. We only want you to complete the surveys that truly interest you, and we respect the time you spend on our surveys. Without prejudice to the terms set forth herein, our surveys allow you to earn rewards (LEO points or Aeroplan points) that may only be redeemed in increments of 10,000 LEO points for reward miles transferred to your AIR MILES account or points transferred to your Aeroplan account; or in increments of 20,000 via gift cards, prepaid card, PayPal transfer,  or donation, or in increments of 250 Aeroplan points transferred to your Aeroplan account. Your LEO points or your Aeroplan points will only be redeemable if you have enough for the item you have chosen.

On some occasions, LEO may choose to hold contests instead of offering rewards as incentive to participate in surveys. LEO expressly reserves the right to do so at its sole discretion. LEO clearly identifies the invitations that allow you to enter a contest and provides a direct link to the associated rules.

Points are credited to the member’s personal account no later than thirty (30) days after the member has completed a survey, and, without prejudice to the restrictions set forth herein, rewards may be redeemed as soon as they are credited to the member’s personal account, provided the member has accrued at least 10,000 LEO points or 20,000 LEO points or 250 Aeroplan points for the desired item. LEO ensures that points are credited to each member’s personal account. However, members are responsible for ensuring that rewards have been credited to their account. LEO shall not be held liable for any errors or omissions relative to rewards.

LEO reserves the right to suspend, cancel, re-evaluate or modify, without liability and without prior notice to members, all or part of the reward value structure and its offers. LEO has sole discretion and reserves the right to settle any differences relative to rewards, and members agree to abide by such decisions. LEO reserves the right to change the point value structure or other incentives when recruiting for a survey.



By completing profiling surveys

Members can start to earn points by completing the profiling surveys available on their account upon registration. These profiling surveys make it possible to establish an initial member profile to send them surveys that correspond as closely as possible to their profile.


By completing certain surveys

When you complete a survey and your profile corresponds to the type of person we are looking for, you will receive points determined by the length and nature of the survey.


By inviting other people

The member may invite other members by promoting LEO to them by e-mail, text message (SMS) or by using the unique link provided on the member's LEO account. Under no circumstances may the member create promotional material in the name and image of LEO (social media or web pages, advertisements, etc.). Any offender will have his or her account closed immediately and all points accumulated will be cancelled and non-recoverable. With each new registration, and provided that the new registrant has completed at least one survey, and that LEO validates the referral, the member will receive additional points and chances for draws. LEO reserves the right to accept or reject any referral.


By activating badges

Members can earn points by activating badges. LEO badges are received when the member does some things, such as answering surveys or inviting other members to join LEO.


LEO may change or eliminate activity with the potential for points at any time, with or without prior notice to members. Rewards earned by members are not considered their property, and may under no circumstances be sold, transferred or assigned to a third party, or be combined in any manner whatsoever. Rewards have no monetary value and may not be used for any purpose other than to be redeemed for prepaid cards, PayPal transfer, gift cards, Aeroplan points, AIR MILES reward miles, or donations in strict compliance with the rules.

Participants can only earn rewards by following all instructions on how to do so. If you do not properly comply with all required instructions and procedures, you may not earn any rewards without any recourse by you against LEO.

LEO may from time to time adjust a member’s balance account upward or downward following potential errors or fraud. LEO shall have full authority.



Members may redeem their LEO points or Aeroplan points once they have accrued, in their personal account, at least 10,000, 20,000 or 250 Aeroplan points for the desired item. All reward requests must be made online. These amounts are taxable even if you do not receive tax slips at the end of the year.

Rewards may only be redeemed in increments of 10,000 LEO points, 20,000 LEO points or 250 Aeroplan points if the member decides to accrue LEO points or Aeroplan points.

It is therefore impossible to redeem amounts less than or greater than 10,000 LEO points, 20,000 LEO points or 250 Aeroplan points.

Accrued LEO points may be redeemed via gift cards, prepaid cards, PayPal transfers, Aeroplan points,AIR MILES reward miles or a donation.

Accrued LEO points may be transferred to the member’s AIR MILES or Aeroplan account in 10,000 LEO points increments only. The AIR MILES collector’s number Aeroplan card number, as the case may be, is required for this transaction.

Accrued Aeroplan points may be transferred to the member’s Aeroplan account in 250 points increments only. The Aeroplan card number is required for this transaction.

LEO reserves the right to change the minimum number of points required to redeem gift cards, Aeroplan points or AIR MILES reward miles at any time. In addition, LEO may add or substitute any other method of exchange, at its sole discretion.

Members can view their balance and redeem their rewards by logging into their LEO account.

Accrued points are non-negotiable and can only be redeemed on the LEO website.

Once a member has redeemed points, the corresponding number of points is deducted from the balance of their account.

Members are not permitted to have more than one account with LEO. Any member who is found to have multiple accounts will have all accounts immediately and permanently closed without exception. All accrued rewards will be permanently lost, and any pending redemption transactions will be cancelled.  


Donation rewards

LEO offers its members the opportunity to donate their rewards to designated organizations. These organizations are pre-selected and the donations are managed by LEO. Participants can choose from the list of available organizations provided by LEO.

Members wishing to make a donation will need to select the organization of their choice from the list in the Rewards Donations section. The total amount donated will be 20,000 LEO points. Members will receive a confirmation of their donation, which may include information about the chosen organization and the amount donated. It is the member's responsibility to check this confirmation and contact LEO if there are any discrepancies or problems.

LEO will pay the donated funds to the selected organizations according to a monthly schedule determined by LEO, which schedule may vary and is at LEO's sole discretion. All donations are final; a waiting period of thirty (30) business days is required to obtain further information on the payment of the donation.

LEO does not allow the cancellation or refund of donations once they have been processed. Participants must exercise due diligence in selecting donation recipients.

By making a donation request, the member acknowledges that his/her personal information will be shared with the charity solely for the purpose of issuing a tax receipt.

LEO is not responsible for the actions, use of funds or activities of selected charities. Responsibility for the relevance and impact of the donation rests with the selected organization. The tax receipt will be sent by e-mail. Members must contact the selected organization directly to request a donation receipt.


PayPal payments  

A PayPal account is required. Requests may take up to ten (10) business days to be fully processed.

For security reasons and to avoid fraud, we ask members to use the same email address for their LEO account as for their PayPal account. LEO shall not be held liable for any delays or other problems if this condition is not met. To change their email address used on LEO to that of their PayPal account, members can contact us by clicking here or by sending us an email.

Once the request has been processed, an email will be sent by our PayPal partner to notify the member that a transfer has been made to their PayPal account.

All transactions are final; a waiting period of thirty (30) days is required to obtain more information concerning the payment. Any payment rejected by PayPal will be refunded to the member’s account, at which point the member will have to submit a new redemption request.





Accrued LEO points expire one (1) year after being earned, unless the points are forfeited or cancelled earlier due to Account Inactivity or as otherwise set forth in these Terms.


Use of the member’s account

As a member, you are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password. Members shall immediately notify LEO of any known or suspected unauthorized use of their personal account, or of any breach of security, including loss, theft or unauthorized disclosure of their password.

LEO has no control over the Internet and therefore cannot prevent the interception of messages by unauthorized parties or guarantee that such unauthorized parties are unable to decrypt encoded messages. Consequently, LEO shall under no circumstances be held liable for any loss or damage suffered by any member as a result of the unauthorized interception or decryption of information transmitted to members of LEO.

Each member is fully responsible for the use of and activity in their account, including the use of their account by a third party (which is prohibited), whether or not such use is authorized by the member, or is the result of the member having authorized a third party to use their username and password.

In the event of a dispute, LEO may request proof of identity. If a person other than the member has had access to the member’s personal account, LEO reserves the right to freeze the account. LEO also reserves the right to recover any points or other incentive earned by the unauthorized user, in which case the member shall have no recourse against LEO.


Fraud attempts

Each member agrees not to abuse LEO privileges through conduct which is detrimental to the interests of LEO. This includes, but is not limited to, any attempt to earn or redeem points in a manner that violates or does not comply with these rules. Without limiting the scope of the foregoing provisions, members shall refrain from:

  • Activating or using more than one account;
  • Using an automated system, device, program or any other similar means to earn rewards;
  • Manipulating or disrupting the LEO website or app or any other affiliated program in any manner whatsoever to improperly earn or redeem points;
  • Submitting false or misleading information to LEO;
  • Using or redeeming rewards obtained in violation of these rules, or mistakenly credited to a member’s account; or
  • Assisting another person or entity in any fraudulent, abusive, manipulative or illegal activity.

LEO may, at its sole discretion, close the account of any member suspected of engaging in any fraudulent, abusive, manipulative or illegal activity, and cancel any accrued rewards. If it considers it justified, LEO may report the case to the appropriate authorities.


Technical issues

LEO is not responsible for unavailable network connections; failed, incomplete, garbled or delayed computer transmissions; Internet outages; hardware, software, or other technical malfunctions or disturbances; or any other communication failures or circumstances affecting, disrupting, or corrupting the LEO portal or app in any way whatsoever, including, but not limited to, the receipt of redemption requests, the possibility for members to participate in opinion surveys, and the transfer of points to a member’s personal account. In addition, LEO is in no way liable for any damage to the computer of any member as a result of them participating in LEO surveys or downloading information required to participate in LEO surveys.

The LEO website and its app, including all the contents and services available or accessible through the website and app, are offered “as is.” To the extent permitted by law, LEO makes no representation or warranty of any kind with respect to the contents of its website and app. In addition, LEO disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, including but not limited to, the absence of infringement, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. LEO does not guarantee the features included in the website and the app; that the materials and contents included therein will be without interruption or error free; that failures will be corrected; that the website, app or server that delivers them will be repaired; or that the website, app, or server that makes them available is free of viruses or other harmful components. In no event shall LEO be held liable under any contract or tort theory, strict liability or any other legal or equitable theory for any loss of profits, data or opportunities, or any exemplary or punitive damages in the event of personal injury or death attributable to a fault or special, incidental, indirect, or consequential damages, each of which is hereby excluded from the agreement between the parties, regardless of whether either party has been advised of the possibility of such damages.



Members must refrain from:

  1. Hindering or preventing any other member from enjoying the LEO portal or app;
  2. Sending messages containing viruses, worms or any other destructive element;
  3. Sending defamatory, obscene, threatening, abusive or hateful messages;
  4. Infringing the copyright, trademarks, service marks, logos and confidential information of others; and
  5. Publishing in a newspaper, magazine or advertisement, or on social networks, text from surveys, screen shots about surveys, or any other content of the LEO portal relating to current or past surveys.

Members shall only access the sections of the website and app that are specifically intended for them, and under no circumstances shall they be permitted to use the website and/or app, or intend to use them, in whole or in part, to violate its security or the security of systems accessible through it.

All information available on the website and in the app about its services and activities is accurate, to the best of LEO’s knowledge. LEO is not responsible for any errors and/or omissions concerning such information.

Each member certifies and acknowledges that LEO shall not be responsible or held liable for any agreement between a member and any affiliate of LEO in relation to the items or services received by the member in exchange for reward points, or with respect to the involvement of said member in third-party promotions or other activities.

The non-public personal information we gather from you in connection with LEO is governed by our Privacy Policy.



Members may terminate their participation at any time in any of the following ways:​

  • By contacting us here;
  • By sending us an email by clicking here.
  • By visiting the "Unsubscribe" page of the LEO website. 
  • By clicking on the "Unsubscribe" button in the "Profile" section of the website and application.

Simply marking the address as spam in your email service such as MSN, Hotmail, Live, Yahoo, AOL, etc. is not construed as a desire to cancel your registration. LEO reserves the right to contact you to ensure that the cancellation request was not submitted by mistake.



LEO may, at its sole discretion, cancel or terminate any member’s access to LEO or to the app, and, more specifically, cancel, in whole or in part, any points accrued by the member for any reason or for no reason whatsoever, including, but not limited to, failure to comply with these rules, or in response to an action that is contrary to the intentions of these rules. LEO shall have full decision-making authority if it suspects any abuse, fraud or violation of these rules. Any decision made by LEO regarding the permanent or temporary closure of any member’s personal account (including the cancellation of points) shall be final and binding. LEO shall not be liable to you or to any third party for any termination of your access or the closure of your account.

LEO may also close any member’s personal account at its sole discretion and without notice if the member has not completed a survey in twelve (12) months or more (defined as “Account Inactivity”), or has not responded to reminders sent by LEO. When a member’s account is closed in such a manner, all accrued points are lost.